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Bozeman Dragon Boat Club


By Laws – 12-01-16

Draft by TCJ & BT




Section 1.  The organization will be known as The Bozeman Dragon Boat Club (hereafter, BDBC) that is located in Gallatin County Montana,


    2. PURPOSE

The primary purposes of the BDBC are to:


Section 1.  Promote public awareness and knowledge of the sport of dragon boating.  


Section 2.  Introduce the public to dragon boating by providing paddling technique classes.


Section 3.  Organize, develop, and train dragon boat race team(s).


Section 4.  Seek grants, financial sponsorships, donations, and conduct fundraisers within limits of the clubs legal status.


Section 5.  Conduct charitable activities for the betterment of the community.




Section 1.  Membership is open to anyone who has the abilities to participate in the sport or assist in supportive roles.


Section 2.  The BDBC has the authority to create and implement membership levels with notification of changes to the general membership.


Section 3.  Each year the BDBC will determine annual dues, fees, and payment structure for the following membership year.  Annual membership begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of a calendar year.  All members joining on or after January 1st are subject to paying the annual dues with December 31st expiration, except that people signing up on or after October 1st  thru December 31st will be members for the following year.


Section 4.  Current membership levels:


Subsection 4.01.    An Active Member is an individual who has paid dues and signed the application/liability waiver.  Active  members have voting rights.


Subsection 4.02.    A Supporting/Sponsor Member is an individual, group, or company that contributes to the club but does not pay dues.  Supporting members have  no voting rights.


Subsection 4.03.    A Volunteer Member is an individual that assists in the functions of the club. Volunteer member have no voting rights.

(Or delete memberships for volunteers and supporters/sponsors )


Section 5.  All active members must sign a new membership application and liability waiver annually.


Section 6.  Grounds for an expulsion of a BDBC member, sponsor, or volunteer will require a majority vote of the members of the BDBC board of directors.  Grounds for expulsion include the following reasons:


  • Club member’s  failure to abide by rules, policies, or by-laws.

  • Action that is detrimental to the club.

  • Disregard of club interests and/or property.

  • Disregard for the safety or welfare of other club members.


   4. Officers and Board Members


Section 1.  The president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, one member from membership,and team captains) are elected officers that constitute the voting membership of the BDBC


Subsection 1.01.    Each BDBCwill have only one vote even if they fill multiple positions.


Subsection 1.02.    The president can cast an additional vote to break a tie on any action taken by the board.


Section 2.  Election of Officers


Subsection 2.01.    Officers will be elected annually in April.


Subsection 2.02.    Nominations for officers by active members can be submitted to any current officer, or a minimum of five active members.


Subsection 2.03.    Nominees must accept the nomination to be considered a candidate.


Subsection 2.04.    Ballots will be available to all active members.


Subsection 2.05.    Elected officers will begin their duties upon being sworn into office.


Section 3.  Board member resignations


 Subsection 3.01.    Resignation by an officer is considered effective upon receipt of the notification unless a mutually agreeable effective date has been established.


Subsection 3.02.    Upon notification, the board members will notify the general membership of the resignation.


Subsection 3.03.    Any officer may be filled by the affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining board members.


Subsection 3.04.    An officer elected by the board to fill a vacancy will hold the position until the next election of officers by the general membership.


Section 4.  Duties and Responsibilities of President


Subsection 4.01.    The president provides general supervision of the club officers.


Subsection 4.02.    The president coordinates and plans the attainment of club objectives including yearly review and/or updating of the by-laws.


Subsection 4.03.    The president acts as signatory for clubs’ bank accounts in the absence of the treasurer.


Subsection 4.04.    The president conducts general membership and board meetings.


Subsection 4.05.    The president ensures that BDBC meet periodically or as needed to address club rules and policies, procedures, fees/dues, and any concern or question raised by a member.


Subsection 4.06.    The president can appoint individuals such as historian, boat launcher, equipment manager, website administrator, and can establish committees to provide information to the board.


Subsection 4.07.    The president prepares or approves the agenda for board or general membership meetings.


Subsection 4.08.    The president takes any by-law change(s) or revision(s) not made for clarification to the general membership for approval



Section 5.  Duties and Responsibilities of Vice-President


Subsection 5.01.    The vice-president shares and assists the president in all duties.


Subsection 5.02.    The vice-president chairs meetings with full power when the president is not available.


Subsection 5.03.    The vice-president will have such additional duties as the board and/or president may direct.


Section 6.    Duties and Responsibilities of Treasurer


Subsection 6.01.    The treasurer manages the club bank accounts by receiving, disbursing, and maintaining records of funds.


Subsection 6.02.    The treasurer withdraws funds from the club bank accounts with approval from the president.


Subsection 6.03.    The treasurer proposes the annual budget to the board.


Subsection 6.04.    The treasurer provides a summary of financial records at board or general membership meetings.


Subsection 6.05.    The treasurer conducts an annual audit of financial records that is submitted to the president.


Subsection 6.06.    The treasurer will submit tax forms to the president and board as required by law.


Subsection 6.07.    The treasurer will disburse funds for trailer tag renewal, fee for corporate status, and liability insurance as approved by the board.


Subsection 6.08      The treasurer will keep tract of assets and sales of merchendize.


Section 7.   Duties and Responsibilities of Secretary


Subsection 7.01.    The secretary handles incoming and outgoing club correspondence.


Subsection 7.02.    The secretary prepares meeting minutes documenting topics discussed and decisions taken.


Subsection 7.03.    The secretary maintains the records of meetings, membership applications, and waivers.  In addition, the finalized records for insurance, taxes, corporation, and trailer tags will reside with the secretary.    


Subsection 7.04.    The secretary sends the approved minutes to the members.


Subsection 7.05.    The secretary maintains an electronic spreadsheet of all current members and their contact information.


Subsection 7.06.    The secretary assumes the powers of the president and vice-president when they are unavailable.


Section 8.    Duties and Responsibilities Captain/Coach


Subsection 8.01.    The captain/coach leads the team during practices and races.


Subsection 8.02.     The captain/coach determines which races the club will enter and designates the team for specific races.


Subsection 8.03.    The captain/coach acts as liaison between any race officials.


Subsection 8.04.    The captain/coach establishes practices and race schedules for the team.



Section 9.     Duties and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors


Subsection 9.01.    The board of directors will be responsible for leadership of affairs, property, activities, policies and interests of the club.


Subsection 9.02.    The board of directors approves or disapproves the establishment of any new team.


Subsection 9.03.    The board of directors proposes and establishes an annual budget.  All expenditures of funds exceeding $100 require board approval.


Subsection 9.04.    The board of directors leads or assists in fundraising and community projects.


Subsection 9.05.    The board of directors reviews and resolves grievances raised by club members.


Subsection 9.06.    Any three board members can request that  the president hold a meeting.


Subsection 9.07.    A quorum exists when a majority of the board is in attendance.    


Section 10.  Positions appointed by the president and not on the board of directors include but not limited to the following.


Subsection 10.01.  Historian – The historian is responsible for keeping and preserving club records and events in picture and written form.


Subsection 10.02.  Boat Launcher – The boat launcher is responsible for launching and retrieving the boat at the appropriate time and place.


Subsection 10.03.  Equipment Manager – The equipment manager is responsible for maintaining a list of equipment that the club owns.  The manager will ensure that equipment needs for new paddlers is at the dock prior to practice, distributed and returned in good condition.


Subsection 10.04.  Website Administrator – The website administrator is responsible for maintaining, updating, and overseeing the club website.  


Subsection 10.05.  Facebook Administrator – The facebook administrator is responsible for maintaining, updating, and overseeing facebook.


Section 11.  Positions appointed by the captain/coach and not on the board of directors include but not limited to the following.


Subsection 11.01.  Assistant Coach – An assistant coach is assigned on a case-by-case basis responsible for training new paddlers or assigned to train the team in the absence of the captain/coach.


Subsection 11.02.  Steers – The steersperson is responsible for calling maneuvering commands at practices.  Once the steersperson is approved by the captain/coach, the steersperson can be used during races.


Subsection 11.03.  Race Coordinator – The race coordinator is responsible for assisting the captain/coach in collecting race fees that are submitted to the treasurer, ensuring race forms/waivers, etc are completed and submitted in a timely manner and organizing check-in at races.    









Section 1.  Training Demonstrations – Based on membership demand and availability the club may invite experienced dragon boaters to provided recommendations to improve team skills.


Section 2.   Club Parties -- Club parties are open to the membership and guests.  Attendance may be limited based on demand and size of facility.


Section 3.  Festivals and Races – The club will focus and train for dragon boat festivals and races.


Section 4.  Local Community Events – The club can participate in local events such parades, grand openings, trade shows, and outdoor events  to promote dragon boating and/or recruit new paddlers.


Section 5.  Fundraising – Fundraising events may be identified and supported with the board’s approval.  All proceeds from the event(s) will be submitted to the treasurer and deposited into the appropriate accounts.  These accounts are recommended by the board and approved by the general membership.  The accounts can be for acquisition of a dragon boat, trailers, equipment, uniforms, training, etc.


Section 6.  Race Events -- Cancellation policy is based on the events concessionaire.  Generally, no refunds are given for an individual or team that either elects to cancel participation or is unable to participate in an event once payment is made.  Once payment is made, if a team cannot maintain the required number or makeup of participants and, therefore is unable to participate in the event, usually no refunds are given to the team or its individuals.  




Section 1.   The club will not discriminate based on race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, age, national/ethnic origin or political beliefs.


Section 2.  Upcoming club events and races will be posted on the website for sign-up to determine interest in an event or race.


Section 3.  Member payments for events will be made no later than the published due date of the event unless other arrangements are made.  When payment is made by check, the member must annotate the name of the specific event such as Flathead Race or Orlando Training.


Section 4.  All potential paddlers, recruits, guests, or members of other teams must complete and sign a liability waiver prior to paddling with the Bozeman  Dragon Boat Club.


Section 5.  Safety Rules


Subsection 5.01 -- The club requires all boat participants wear a personal floatation device or have it in the boat and accessible at all times while on the water.


Subsection 5.02 -- A participate that cannot swim must wear a personal flotation device.


Subsection 5.03 – There will be no alcoholic beverages on the dragon boat.


Section 6.  All BDBC Dragon Boat teams will be made up of active members.  As last resort the captain/coach can add paddlers to fill the race team or combine with another team.


Section 7.  Violation of club rules and/or policies may result in dismissal from the club without refund of dues.




Section 1.  An annual budget for expenditures will be presented to the membership at a meeting by early January of each year for approval.


Section 2.  Expenditures will be identified in the annual budget.  When both the board and active member have  approved the budget, then the president and treasurer can execute a budgeted expense at any time.


Section 3.  If expenditure is an emergency that has not been identified in the annual budget and is less than $200.00, approval is required from the president and treasurer before purchase.


Section 4.  If expenditure is an emergency that has not been identified in the annual budget and is greater than $200.00 approval is required from the board and a majority of the active members prior to purchase.  The approval could be obtained electronically or by a general membership meeting.  


Section 5.  Receipts or documentation is required prior to receiving reimbursement from the treasurer.





Section 1.  At the time of dissolution of the club, the board of directors will, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all debts, obligations, liabilities, cost and expenses and, dispose of all of the assets.  The boat is owned by the original charter members and sale proceeds of it will be given to them.  For more continuity, the BDBC would  purchase the boat from the charter members and own the boat.





     9.   AMENDMENTS


Section 1.  These bylaws may be amended at any meeting.


Section 2.  The proposed changes will sent to members at least ten days prior to a membership meeting.  The general membership will have a discussion period on changes proposed to the by-laws.


Section 3.  Changes or amendments to the by-laws will be accepted by either, show of hands at the general membership meeting, or email.  The changes or amendments will become effective

Contact Us:

Click the Viking Boat to go to

Socialize With Us:

Tel: 406-586-3212


Location​​​​​​: 3038 Candy Lane

Bozeman, MT 59715


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